“Unexplained Lunar Phenomenon: Numerous Giant Objects Spotted on the Moon Spark Alien Speculation”

Hey, what’s up, guys, Tyler, here with secured team?

Now you may have noticed that I don’t have my original intro playing along with the music.

That is due to the fact that I am actually having a new intro along with a new logo made for the channel.

I just felt it was time to upgrade.

Now I know some of you may not be happy about this, because a lot of you love the intro music and I promise it will be back.

However, I like to get two videos quicker.

With this intro we can get right to it.

That way you guys don’t have to sit through a 20 or 30 second intro

And we can just get right to the video.


So today I want you guys to check out some new Ufo footage, as well as to talk about a little bit the Kovat 19 virus and some of the theories going on around the internet as to where it had originated, whether its natural or whether it is man-made.

But first let’s check out some really cool Ufo footage.

Now I realize I have a lot to catch up on, so forgive me if you’ve already seen some of this, but we will catch up, and I mean I’m just extremely happy to be back running the channel.

So spread the words.

The Cure team is back, and with that I want to start out with our first piece of Ufo footage, this coming from the Youtube channel, Jean-Michel Tanakh, where in which it would appear that we threw a telescope, a very high-powered telescope, capture multiple UFOs passing by our moon very close to the surface, because you’ll notice that, whatever these objects are, you can actually see the shadows from the objects being cast down onto the surface of the Moon.


And it’s no secret that the moon is one of my favorite topics of this channel ever since I started it.

The moon, and it’s very mysteries, the fact that it is crowded in strange Ufo sightings, happenings, what-have-you?

And so this is a very exciting video to show you guys, because I believe the moon definitely holds many secrets, and so, without further ado, here is that footage of multiple objects passing over the moon, casting shadows down on the surface, and I assure you they are not one of ours, so check this out, okay.

So, once again, here I’m going to play this in slow motion, just so you can see once again the multiple objects that would appear passing by the moon and finally disappearing beyond its horizon line into the shadow.


Okay, so very, very interesting footage.

If you go back and check my channel, or if you go to my channel and just search moon, you will find endless amounts of videos where I show you these artificial bases on the moon, as well as the UFOs seen through telescopes flying over the moon, as well as satellite imagery coming from Nasa itself capturing these unknown objects sitting on the moon, sitting above the moon, flying across it.

So be sure to check that out and tell me what you think about this footage.

It definitely looks like we have multiple objects, possibly cylindrical in shape, passing over the moon, just like we have seen many, many times in the past.

So with that, let’s move on to our next piece of Ufo footage, this time captured by someone who is monitoring the 24/7 live feed of the International Space Station.

As many of you know, the International Space Station has multiple cameras on it and there’s a live feed that you can check.

You can watch everyday, that doesn’t matter what time of day, and we’ve captured some very, very mysterious and unexplained things via these cameras on the International Space Station orbiting Earth.


So it appears that sitting in the clouds here we have something that is reflecting sunlight in a very different way than the surrounding cloud covering almost looks like something metallic reflecting light back towards the camera.

And again we have shown many pieces of video on this channel, courtesy of Nasa themselves, of strange and mysterious, unknown objects hovering above the earth, zooming up and down through the atmosphere and, yes, just like this, sometimes just sitting within the atmosphere, just above the earth, moving along with the clouds.

So tell me what you think about this now.

Next, we have a very interesting piece of Ufo footage that comes from Cerro De San Felipe, which is in Mexico, of a very, very strange object.

I can’t figure out what it is.


And so here we have a new piece of footage where someone has spotted what looks like an object sitting above earth, reflecting light from the Sun, as the International Space Station videos roll.

So check this out, you, okay.

So it definitely looks like an object sitting amidst this large cloud covering.

I mean it’s, it’s just nothing but cloud covering.

But clouds reflect light in a different way and when you have something such as a metallic object or something of that nature, they reflect light a very different way.


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